Tompkins Point

Tompkins Point Apparel puts class back into the classics. By combining traditional American style with the mission of improving the lives of farmers and factory workers, Tompkins Point’s ‘enlightened preppy’ products fuse fashion with social cause, providing style at the same time as opportunities to workers. Tompkins Point’s first line of polo shirts represent style without sacrifice and sophistication without pretension. Available in six colors, Tompkins Point’s polos are as suitable on a trading floor or golf course as they are on the beach or at a backyard barbeque.

Founder Scott Leeder’s work with small-scale cotton farmers in southern India inspires the mission of the line and his experience is at the core of the company.

“At TompkinsPoint, we’ve seen the world, been marveled by its beauties and burdened by its problems.  That’s why our products celebrate life while making a positive impact to society.  And we make clothing for those who want to do the same.” -Scott

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