Of Rags creates as much of an industry around creating a product as we do around taking care of the communities of the individual creating it. Based on a partnership between a Ghanaian designer and a US social entrepreneur Of Rags brings an artful feel to urban wear. Of Rags features a line of handpainted t-shirts , dresses and button-ups from recycled scrap fabrics and repurposed shoes, all cut in sewn in its Ghanaian fair trade workshop. 40% of the profits from sales support the peer education program on HIV/AIDS and other public health topics that the organization runs in partnership with the West Africa AIDS Foundation. After visiting 20 college campuses in the US to promote Sustainable Fashion since the fall of 2010, Of Rags is working in collaboration with the Textile Arts Center, EcoSalon and NYC Fair Trade Coalition to bring you (sustainable) Fashion’s Night Out. Find out more at www.ofrags.com